Saturday, November 13, 2010

aku bersyukur!!!!!!

cukuplah Allah maha pelindung dan pemberi rezeki.. aku xpernah diserang kelaparan atau gastrik.. ade je rezeki diberi olehNya even im still unemployed and im on my own .... but still, Alhamdulillah.. i have a place to stay.. hav a lappy to cry on(wtfish?).. i hav bunch of good friends around me(plus they're fun and some are mad funny too)..i hav a partime job that is just enough for me. today i earned rm40 just by driving people around and i just love driving...  i also earned rm150 a month from aerobic lesson @skor bistari and rm100 from MPJBT classes.. all of this number just a reminder for me of how lucky i am and how god has been so nice to me alhamdulillah.. i pray that Allah will grant me with a proper job after my study so that i can give away some to my family and to others.. inshaAllah..and a nice husband to cry on.. amin.. ok malas nak wat entri baru.. hobi saye adelah memasak ye.. memasak dgn penuh kesyukuran.. hehe

makan dgn nasi panas..sedapppp!

lauk di atas dimasak sendiri oleh sy & rumet ye..sardin, telur, ikan bilis n kentang digoreng..nampak simple tp makan dgn nasi panas2.. fuhhhh kalah  cheesy lobster, grilled codfish with saute mushroom, n smoked salmon with garlic sauce n crab meat linguini yg i slalu makan tu..hak2 percayelah..